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Publications, Apr 2017

  • Robinson A, Spencer A, Pinto-Prades JL, Covey J. Exploring differences between TTO and direct choice in the valuation of health states. Med Decision Making 2017 Apr;37(3):273-284
  • Lloyd J, Creanor S, Price L, Abraham C, Dean S, Green C, Hillsdon M, Pearson V, Taylor RS, Tomlinson R, Logan S, Hurst A, Ryan E, Daurge W, Wyatt K. Trial baseline characteristics of a cluster randomised controlled trial of a school-located obesity prevention programme; the Healthy Lifestyles Programme (HeLP) trial. BMC Public Health 2017 Apr 4;17(1):291.
  • Streeter AJ, Lin NX, Crathorne L, Haasova M, Hyde C, Melzer D, Henley WE. Adjusting for unmeasured confounding in non-randomised longitudinal studies: a methodological review. J Clin Epidemiol Epub 2017 Apr 28.

Date: 30 April 2017