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Publications, Apr 2019

  • Marten R, Hanefeld J, Smith RD. How states exerted power to create the Millennium Development Goals and how this shaped the global health agenda: lessons for the Sustainable Development Goals and the future of global health. Global Public Health 2019 Apr;14(4):584-599
  • Oluboyede Y, Smith AB, Hill A, Hulme C. The weight-specific adolescent instrument for economic evaluation (WAItE): psychometric evaluation using a Rasch model approach Qual Life Res 2019 Apr;28(4):969-977.
  • Khalili Friedman R, De Boni R, de Oliveira M, Lopes L, Medina-Lara A, Luz P, Veloso V, Wagner S, Velasque L, Grinsztejn B. Health-related quality of life assessment among people living with HIV in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: a cross-sectional study. Qual Life Res 2019 Apr;28(4):1035-1045.
  • Roope LSJ, Smith RD, Pouwels KB, Buchanan J, Abel L, Eibichg P, Butler C, Tan PS, Walker S, Robotham JV, Wordsworth S. The challenge of Antimicrobial Resistance: What can economics contribute? Science 2019 Apr 5;364(6435).
  • Cornelsen L, Mazzocchi M, Smith RD. Fat tax or thin subsidy? How price increases and decreases affect the energy and nutrient content of food and beverage purchases in Great Britain Soc Sci Med 2019 Apr 6. pii: S0277-9536(19)30197-2.
  • Dunn BD, Widnall E, Reed N, Owens C, Spencer A, Kraag G, Kok G, Geschwind N, Wright K, Moberly NJ, Moulds ML, MacLeod AK, Handley R, Richards D, Campbell J, Kuyken W. Evaluating Augmented Depression Therapy (ADepT): Study protocol for a pilot randomised controlled trial. Pilot Feasibility Studies 2019 Apr 27;5:63.

Date: 30 April 2019