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Publications, Aug 2020

  • Price S, Zang X, Spencer A. Measuring the impact of national guidelines: What methods can be used to uncover time-varying effects for healthcare evaluations? Soc Sci Med 2020 Aug; 258, 113021
  • Watt T, Cornelsen L, Smith RD. Reducing consumption of unhealthy foods and beverages through banning price promotions: what is the evidence and would it work? Public Health Nutr 2020 Aug;23(12):2228-2233.
  • Law C, Cornelsen L, Adams J, Penney T, Rutter H, White M, Smith RD. An analysis of the stock market reaction to the announcements of the UK Soft Drinks Industry Levy. Econ Hum Biol 2020 Aug:38;100834
  • Nikolova S, Hulme C, West R, Pendleton N, Heaven A, Bower P, Humphrey S, Farrin A, Cundill B, Lawton R, Clegg A. Normative estimates and agreement between two measures of health-related quality of life in older people with frailty: findings from the Community Ageing Research 75+ cohort. Value Health 2020 Aug;23(8):1056-1062.
  • Earl H, Hiller L, Vallier AL, Loi S, McAdam K, Hughes Davies L, Rea D, Howe D, Raynes K, Higgins HB, Wilcox M, Plummer C, Mahler-Araujo B, Provenzano E, Chhabra A, Gasson S, Balmer C, Abraham JE, Caldas C, Hall P, Shinkins B, McCabe C, Hulme C, Miles D, MWardley A, Cameron DA, Dunn JA. Six versus 12 months’ adjuvant trastuzumab in patients with HER2-positive early breast cancer: the PERSEPHONE non-inferiority RCT Health Technol Assess 2020 Aug;24(40):1-190
  • Hatefi A, Marten R, Smith RD. Global-scale action in health: a common language is a critical starting point to bolster global health financing. Health Policy Plan 2020 Aug 29:czaa090. Online ahead of print.

Date: 31 August 2020