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Publications, Dec 2019

  • Jensen HT, Keogh-Brown M, Shankar B, Aekplakorn W, Basu S, Cuevas S, Dangour A, Gheewala SH, Green R, Joy E, Rojroongwasinkul N, Thaiprasert N, Smith RD. International trade, dietary change, and cardiovascular disease health outcomes: Import tariff reform using an integrated macroeconomic, environmental and health modelling framework for Thailand Soc Sci Med – Popul Health 2019 Dec, 9:100435
  • Hanefeld J, Smith R. Is the NHS really “off the table” in post-Brexit talks with the US? BMJ 2019 Dec;367:l6898
  • Drayson MT, Bowcock S, Planche T, Iqbal G, Pratt G, Yong K, Wood J, Raynes K, Higgins H, Dawkins B, Meads D, Hulme CT, Monahan I, Karunanithi K, Dignum H, Belsham E, Neilson J, Harrison B, Lokare A, Campbell G, Hamblin M, Hawkey P, Low E, Dunn JA, TEAMM Steering Committee and Trial Investigators. Levofloxacin prophylaxis in patients with newly diagnosed myeloma (TEAMM): a multicentre, double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomised, phase 3 trial Lancet Oncol 2019 Dec;20(12):1760-1772.
  • Callaghan L, Thompson TP, Creanor SC, Quinn C, Senior J, Green C, Hawton A, Byng R, Wallace G, Sinclair J, Kane A, Hazeldine E, Walker S, Crook R, Wainwright V, Enki DG, Jones B, Goodwin E, Cartwright L, Horrell J, Shaw J, Annison J, Taylor AH. Individual health trainers to support health and well-being for people under community supervision in the criminal justice system: the STRENGTHEN pilot RCT NIHR Public Health Research 2019 Dec. No. 7.20
  • Xhelili A, Strube R, Grossi F, Zvěřinová I, Taylor T, Martinez-Juarez P, Quiroga S, Suárez C, Gjorgjev D. A Technological Scenario for a Healthier, More Equitable and Sustainable Europe in 2040: Citizen Perceptions and Policy Implications. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2019 Dec 28;17(1). pii: E231.
  • Hawton A, Green C, Goodwin E, Harrower T. Health state utility values (QALY weights) for Huntington’s Disease: An analysis of data from the European Huntington’s Disease Network (EHDN). Eur J Health Econ 2019 Dec;20(9):1335-1347
  • Yerushalmia E, Hunt P, Hoorens S, Sauboin C, Smith RD. Exploring the use of a general equilibrium method to assess the value of a malaria vaccine: an application to Ghana. Med Decision Making Policy Practice 2019 Dec 19;4(2):2381468319894345.
  • Berger N, Cummins S, Smith RD, Cornelsen L. Recent trends in energy and nutrient content of take-home food and beverage purchases in Great Britain: An analysis of 225 million food and beverage purchases over 6 years. BMJ Nutr Prevent Health 2019 Dec;2(2):63–71.
  • Moreau L, Holloway I, Hartley S, Brindle R, Farrin A, Ozer S, Forster A, Hulme C. Reducing the burden of patient reported outcome measures?: A study within a trial (SWAT) - results from the LoTS2Care feasibility study Int J Stroke 2019 Dec, 14(S4):41.

Date: 31 December 2019