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Publications, Feb 2017

  • Dolling DI, Goodall RL, Chirara M, Hakim J, Nkurunziza P, Munderi P, Eram D, Tumukunde D, Spyer MJ, Gilks CF, Kaleebu P, Dunn DT, Pillay D; DART Virology Group. The virological durability of first-line ART among HIV-positive adult patients in resource limited settings without virological monitoring: a retrospective analysis of DART trial data. BMC Infectious Diseases 2017 Feb 21;17(1):160.
  • Sadler S, Angus C, Gavens L, Gillespie D, Holmes J, Hamilton J, Brennan A, Meier P. Understanding the alcohol harm paradox: an analysis of sex- and condition-specific hospital admissions by socioeconomic group for alcohol-associated conditions in England. Addiction Epub 2017 Feb 6.

Date: 28 February 2017