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Publications, Feb 2019

  • Kadandale S, Marten R, Smith RD. The palm oil industry and noncommunicable diseases. Bull World Health Organ 2019 Feb 1;97(2):118-128.
  • Dalal HM, Taylor RS, Jolly K, Davis RC, Doherty P, Miles J, van Lingen R, Warren FC, Green C, Wingham J, Greaves C, Sadler S, Hillsdon M, Abraham C, Britten N, Frost J, Singh S, Hayward C, Eyre V, Paul K, Lang CC, Smith K. The effects and costs of home-based rehabilitation for heart failure with reduced ejection fraction: The REACH-HF multicentre randomized controlled trial. Eur J Prev Cardiol 2019 Feb;26(3):262-272.
  • Cuevas S, Cornselsen L, Smith RD, Walls H. Economic globalization, nutrition and health: a review of quantitative evidence Globalization Health 2019 Feb 20;15(1):15
  • Jensen HT, Keogh-Brown M, Shankar B, Basu S, Cuevas S, Dangour A, Gheewala SH, Green R, Joy E, Thaiprasert N, Smith RD. Palm oil and dietary change: Application of an integrated macroeconomic, environmental, demographic, and health modelling framework for Thailand Food Policy 2019 Feb; 83:92-103

Date: 28 February 2019