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Publications, Feb 2020

  • Kang Y-J, Killen J, Caruana M, Simms K, Taylor N, Frayling IM, Snowsill T, Huxley N, Coupé VMH, Hughes S, Freeman V, Boussioutas A, Trainer AH, Ward RL, Mitchell G, Macrae F, Canfell K. The effectiveness and the cost-effectiveness of systematic testing for Lynch syndrome in incident colorectal cancer cases in Australia. Med J Aust 2020 Feb;212(2):72-81.
  • Soleimani F, Azari N, Ghiasvand H, Shahrokhi A, Rahmani N, Fatollahierad S. Do NICU developmental care improve cognitive and motor outcomes for preterm infants? A systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Pediatr 2020 Feb 13;20(1):67.
  • Goodwin E, Green C, Hawton A. What difference does it make? A comparison of health state preferences elicited from the general population and from people with multiple sclerosis Value Health 2020 Feb, 23(2)242-250
  • Willis TA, Collinson M, Glidewell L, Farrin AJ, Holland M, Meads D, Hulme C, Petty D, Alderson S, Hartley S, Vargas-Palacios A, Carder P, Johnson S, Foy R; ASPIRE programme team. An adaptable implementation package targeting evidence-based indicators in primary care: A pragmatic cluster-randomised evaluation. PLoS Med 2020 Feb 28;17(2):e1003045.
  • Nie W, Guo H, Yang L, Xu Y, Li G, Ruan X, Zhu Y, Chen L, Banwart SA. Economic Valuation of Earth’s Critical Zone: A Pilot Study of Zhangxi Catchment, China Ecological Economics 2020 Feb, 12(4) 1699
  • Law C, Cornelsen L, Adams J, Penney T, Rutter H, White M, Smith RD. An analysis of the stock market reaction to the announcements of the UK Soft Drinks Industry Levy. Econ Hum Biol 2020 Feb 17:100834
  • Law C, Cornelsen L, Adams J, Pell D, Rutter H, White M, Smith R. The impact of UK soft drinks industry levy on manufacturers' domestic turnover. Econ Hum Biol 2020 Feb 20;37:100866. [Epub ahead of print]

Date: 29 February 2020