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Publications, February 2022

  • Merriel SWD, Pocock L, Gilbert E, Creavin S, Walter FM, Spencer A, Hamilton W. Systematic Review & Meta-Analysis of the Diagnostic Accuracy of Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) for the Detection of Prostate Cancer in Symptomatic Patients BMC Med 2022 Feb 7;20(1):54.
  • Velicova G, Absolom K, Hewison J, Holch P, Warrington L, Avery K, Richards H, Balzeby J, Dawkins B, Hulme C, et al. Towards safer delivery and monitoring of cancer treatments. Electronic patient self-reporting of adverse events: Patient information and advice. Prog Grants Appl Res 2022 Feb 01; 10(1)

Date: 28 February 2022