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Publications, Jan 2016

  • Papathanasopoulou E, White MP, Hattam C, Lannin A, Harvey A, Spencer A. Valuing the health benefits of physical activities in the marine environment and their importance for marine spatial planning Marine Policy 2016 Jan;63:144-152
  • Goodwin E, Green C. A systematic review of the literature on the development of condition-specific preference-based measures of health. Appl Health Econ Health Policy Epub 2016 Jan 27.
  • Goodwin VA, Paudyal P, Perry MG, Day N, Hawton A, Gericke C, Ukoumunne OC, Byng R Implementing a patient-initiated review system for people with rheumatoid arthritis: a prospective, comparative service evaluation. J Eval Clin Pract Epub 2016 Jan 14.

Date: 31 December 2015