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Publications, Jan 2018

  • Lloyd J, Creanor S, Logan S, Green C, Dean SG, Hillsdon M, Abraham C, Tomlinson R, Pearson V, Taylor RS, Ryan E, Price L, Streeter A, Wyatt K. Effectiveness of the Healthy Lifestyles Programme (HeLP) to prevent obesity in UK primary-school children: a cluster randomised controlled trial Lancet Child Adolesc Health 2018 Jan,2(1) 35-45
  • Wyatt KM, Lloyd JJ, Green C, Hurst A, McHugh C, Logan S, Taylor R, Hillsdon M, Price L, Abraham C, Crathorne L, Dean S, Creanor S. Cluster randomised controlled trial, economic and process evaluation to determine the effectiveness and cost effectiveness of a novel intervention (Healthy Lifestyles Programme, HeLP) to prevent obesity in school children. NIHR Public Health Research 2018 Jan.
  • Kadandale S, Marten R, Smith RD. The palm oil industry and noncommunicable diseases. Bull World Health Organ Epub 2018 Jan 8.

Date: 31 January 2018