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Publications, Jan 2021

  • Robinson E, Marty L, Jones A, White M, Smith R, Adams J. Will calorie labels for food and drink served outside the home improve public health? BMJ 2021 Jan 20;372:n40.
  • Berger L, Berger N, Bosetti V, Gilboa I, Hansen LP, Jarvis C, Marinacci M, Smith RD. Rational policymaking during a pandemic. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2021 Jan 26;118(4):e2012704118.
  • Tarrant M, Carter M, Dean SG, Taylor RS, Warren FC, Spencer A, Adamson J, Landa P, Code C, Backhouse A, Lamont RA, Calitri R Singing for people with aphasia (SPA): Results of a pilot feasibility randomised controlled trial of a group singing intervention investigating acceptability and feasibility. BMJ Open 2021 Jan; 11(1):e040544.
  • Carriedo A, Koon AD, Encarnación LM, Lee K, Smith R, Walls H. The political economy of sugar-sweetened beverage taxation in Latin America: lessons from Mexico, Chile and Colombia. Global Health 2021 Jan 5;17(1):5
  • McGill E, Er V, Penney T, Egan M, White M, Meier P, Whitehead M, Lock K, Anderson de Cuevas R, Smith R, Savona N, Rutter H, Marks D, de Vocht F, Cummins S, Popay J, Petticrew M. Evaluation of public health interventions from a complex systems perspective: A research methods review. Soc Sci Med 2021 Jan 11;272:113697. Online ahead of print.
  • Absolom K, Warrington L, Hudson E, Hewison J, Morris C, Holch P, Carter R, Gibson A, Holmes M, Clayton B, Rogers Z, McParland L, Conner M, Glidewell L, Woroncow B, Dawkins B, Dickinson S, Hulme C, Brown J, Velikova G Phase III Randomized Controlled Trial of eRAPID: eHealth Intervention During Chemotherapy. J Clin Oncol 2021 Jan 8:JCO2002015. Online ahead of print.
  • Goodwin E, Hawton A, Whitty JA, Green C. Exploring the factors that influence workforce participation for people with multiple sclerosis: a discrete choice experiment J Occupational Rehabil Epub 2021 Jan 27

Date: 31 January 2021