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Publications, Jul 2019

  • Price S, Spencer A, Medina-Lara A, Hamilton W, Exeter/Bangor/Leeds Cancer Diagnostic Support in Primary Care HTA Group. Availability of cancer decision-support tools: A cross-sectional survey of UK primary care Br J Gen Pract 2019 Jul;69(684):e437-e443.
  • Eldabe SE, Taylor RS, Goossens S, Bouche B, Gültuna I, Green C, Tinsley J, Luyet PP, Buchser E. A randomised controlled trial of subcutaneous nerve stimulation for back pain due to failed back surgery syndrome: the SubQStim Study. Neuromodulation 2019 Jul;22(5):519-528.
  • Snowsill T. A new method for model-based health economic evaluation utilising and extending moment-generating functions. Med Decis Making 2019 Jul;39(5):523-539.
  • Jensen HT, Keogh-Brown M, Shankar B, Aekplakorn W, Basu S, Cuevas S, Dangour A, Gheewala SH, Green R, Joy E, Rojroongwasinkul N, Thaiprasert N, Smith RD. International trade, dietary change, and cardiovascular disease health outcomes: Import tariff reform using an integrated macroeconomic, environmental and health modelling framework for Thailand Soc Sci Med – Popul Health Epub 2019 Jul 31,

Date: 31 July 2019