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Publications, Jul 2020

  • Cooper C, Snowsill T, Worsley C, Prowse A, O’Mara-Eves A, Greenwood H, Boulton E, Strickson A. Handsearching had best recall but poor efficiency when exporting to a bibliographic tool: case study. J Clin Epidemiol 2020 Jul; 123; p39-48
  • Caswell RC, Snowsill T, Houghton JAL, Chakera A, Shepherd MH, Laver TW, Knight BA, Wright D, Hattersley AT, Ellard S Non-invasive fetal genotyping by droplet digital PCR to identify maternally-inherited monogenic diabetes variants Clin Chem 2020 Jul 1;66(7):958-965.
  • Cornelsen L, Quaife M, Lagarde M, Smith RD. Framing and signaling effects of taxes on sugary beverages: A Discrete Choice Experiment among households in Great Britain. Health Economics Epub Jul 2020
  • Rezaei O, Ghiasvand H, Higgs P, Noroozi A, Noroozi M, Rezaei F, Armoon B, Bayani A. Factors associated with injecting-related risk behaviors among people who inject drugs: a systematic review and meta-analysis study. J Addict Dis 2020 Jul 7:1-18. [Epub ahead of print]
  • Nikolova S, Hulme C, West R, Pendleton N, Heaven A, Bower P, Humphrey S, Farrin A, Cundill B, Lawton R, Clegg A. Normative estimates and agreement between two measures of health-related quality of life in older people with frailty: findings from the Community Ageing Research 75+ cohort. Value Health Epub 18 Jul 2020
  • Bayani A, Ghiasvand H, Rezaei O, Moghaddam LF, Noroozi A, Ahounbar E, Higgs P, Armoon B. Factors associated with HIV testing among people who inject drugs: a meta-analysis. J Addict Dis 2020 Jul-Sep;38(3):361-374.
  • Ward T, Spencer AE, Medina-Lara A, Mujica-Mota RE. The incorporation of equity considerations in cost-effectiveness analyses: a systematic literature review PROSPERO 2020 Jul;
  • Pifarré Coutrot I, Smith RD, Cornelsen L. Is the rise of crowdfunding for medical expenses in the UK symptomatic of systemic gaps in health and social care? J Health Serv Res Policy 2020 Jul;25(3):181-186.

Date: 31 July 2020