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Publications, Jun 2015

  • Morris C, Janssens A, Shilling V, Allard A, Fellowes A, Tomlinson R, Williams J, Thompson Coon J, Rogers M, Beresford B, Green C, Jenkinson C, Tennant A, Logan S. Meaningful health outcomes for paediatric neurodisability: Stakeholder prioritisation and appropriateness of patient reported outcome measures. Health Qual Life Outcomes 2015 Jun;13(1):87.
  • Lu L, Pearce H, Roome C, Shearer J, Lang IA, Stein K. Erratum to: Cost Effectiveness of Oromucosal Cannabis-Based Medicine (Sativex((R))) for Spasticity in Multiple Sclerosis. PharmacoEconomics 2015 Jun;33(6):611.
  • Robinson A, Spencer A, Pinto-Prades JL, Covey J. Exploring differences between TTO and direct choice in the valuation of health states. Health Economics Working Paper Series HEWPS Number: 201502. 2015 Jun

Date: 30 June 2015