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Publications, Jun 2019

  • Spencer A, Tomeny E, Mujica-Mota R, Robinson A, Covey J, Pinto-Prades JL. Do Time Trade-off values fully capture attitudes that are relevant to health related choices? Eur J Health Econ 2019 Jun;20(4):559-568.
  • Walls H, Hanefeld J, Smith RD. International trade and investment: still the foundation for tackling nutrition related non-communicable diseases in the era of Trump? BMJ 2019 Jun;365:l2217
  • Kandiyali R, Hawton A, Cabral C, Mytton J, Shilling V, Morris C and Ingram J. Working with patients and members of the public: informing health economics in Child Health research. Pharmacoeconomics Open 2019 Jun;3(2):133-141.
  • Gunn H, Andrade J, Paul L, Miller L, Creanor S, Stevens K, Green C, Ewings P, Barton A, Berrow M, Vickery J, Marshall B, Zajicek J, Freeman J. A self-management programme to reduce falls and improve safe mobility in people with secondary progressive MS: the BRiMS feasibility RCT. Health Technol Assess 2019 Jun;23(27):1-166
  • Walter F, Thompson MJ, Wellwood I, Abel G, Hamilton W, Johnson M, Lyratzopoulos G, Messenger M, Neal R, Greg R, Hardeep S, Spencer A, Sutton S, Vedsted P, Emery J. Evaluating diagnostic strategies for early detection of cancer: the CanTest Framework BMC Cancer 2019 Jun 14;19(1):586
  • Earl HM, Hiller L, Vallier A-L, Loi S, McAdam K, Hughes-Davies L, Harnett AN, Ah-See M-L, Simcock R, Rea D, Raj S, Woodings P, Harries M, Raynes K, Higgins HB, Wilcox M, Plummer C, Mansi J, Gounaris I, Mahler–Araujo B, Provenzano E, Chhabra A, Abraham J, Caldas C, Hall P, McCabe C, Hulme C, Miles D, Wardley AM, Cameron DA, Dunn JA, PERSEPHONE Steering Committee and Trial Investigators. 6 versus 12 months of adjuvant trastuzumab in patients with HER2 positive breast cancer (PERSEPHONE): definitive 4-year disease-free survival results of an open label randomised phase 3 non-inferiority trial. Lancet 2019 Jun 29;393(10191):2599-2612.
  • Cornelsen L, Berger N, Cummins S, Smith RD. Socio-economic patterning of expenditures on 'out-of-home' food and non-alcoholic beverages by product and place of purchase in Britain. Soc Sci Med 2019 Jun 15:112361.
  • Cornelsen L, Mazzocchi M, Smith RD. Fat tax or thin subsidy? How price increases and decreases affect the energy and nutrient content of food and beverage purchases in Great Britain Soc Sci Med 2019 Jun;230:318-327.
  • Smith A, Shinkins B, Hulme C, Hall P, Michael M. Beyond the laboratory: A review of indirect methods to assess the impact of test measurement uncertainty on downstream clinical and cost outcomes Clinica Chimica Acta 2019 Jun, 493:S353
  • Smith A, Shinkins B, Hulme C, Hall P, Messenger M. Methods to assess the impact of test measurement uncertainty on downstream clinical outcomes: A case study of faecal calprotectin (FC) for the diagnosis of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) Clinica Chimica Acta 2019 Jun, 493:S353-S354

Date: 30 June 2019