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Publications, Jun 2020

  • Snowsill TM, Ryan NAJ, Crosbie EJ Cost-effectiveness of the Manchester approach to identifying Lynch syndrome in women with endometrial cancer J Clin Med 2020 Jun; 9(6):1664
  • Caswell RC, Snowsill T, Houghton JAL, Chakera A, Shepherd MH, Laver TW, Knight BA, Wright D, Hattersley AT, Ellard S Non-invasive fetal genotyping by droplet digital PCR to identify maternally-inherited monogenic diabetes variants Clin Chem 2020 Jun 12. pii: hvaa104.
  • Bayani A, Ghiasvand H, Rezaei O, Moghaddam LF, Noroozi A, Ahounbar E, Higgs P, Armoon B. Factors associated with HIV testing among people who inject drugs: a meta-analysis. J Addict Dis Epub 18 Jun 2020

Date: 30 June 2020