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Publications, Mar 2020

  • Soleimani F, Azari N, Ghiasvand H, Fatollahierad S. Effects of Developmental Care on Neurodevelopment of Preterm Infants Iranian J Child Neurol 2020 Spring, 14(2)7-15
  • White M, Aguirre E, Finegood DT, Holmes C, Sacks G, Smith RD. What role should commercial food systems play in promoting health through better diet? BMJ 2020 Mar 17;368:m545.
  • Withall J, Greaves CJ, Thompson JL, de Koning JL, Bollen JC, Moorlock SJ, Fox KR, Western MJ, Snowsill T, Medina-Lara A, Cross R, Ladlow P, Taylor G, Zisi V, Clynes J, Gray S, Agyapong-Badu S, Guralnik JM, Rejeski WJ, Stathi A. The tribulations of trials: Lessons learnt recruiting 777 older adults into REtirement in ACTion (REACT), a trial of a community, group-based active ageing intervention targeting mobility disability. J Gerontol: Med Sci 2020 Mar 9. pii: glaa051. [Epub ahead of print]
  • Cooper C, Snowsill T, Worsley C, Prowse A, O’Mara-Eves A, Greenwood H, Boulton E, Strickson A. Handsearching had best recall but poor efficiency when exporting to a bibliographic tool: case study. J Clin Epidemiol Mar 27. pii: S0895-4356(19)31063-7
  • Forster A, Graham L, Cundill B, Ellwood A, Fisher J, Goodwin M, Hawkins R, Holland M, Hull K, Hulme C, Kelly C, Williams R, Farrin A. A posture and mobility training package for care home staff: results of a cluster randomised controlled feasibility trial (the PATCH trial) Age Ageing Epub 2020 Mar 31. pii: afaa046

Date: 31 March 2020