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Publications, May 2015

  • Allen M, Spencer A, Gibson A, Matthews J, Allwood A, Prosser S, Pitt M. Right cot, right place, right time: improving the design and organisation of neonatal care networks. Health Serv Delivery Res 2015 May:3(20)
  • Thompson TP, Greaves CJ, Ayres R, Aveyard P, Warren FC, Byng R, Taylor RS, Campbell JL, Ussher M, Green C, Michie S, West R, Taylor A. An Exploratory Analysis of the Smoking and Physical Activity Outcomes From a Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial of an Exercise Assisted Reduction to Stop Smoking Intervention in Disadvantaged Groups. Nicotine Tob Res Epub 2015 May

Date: 31 May 2015