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Publications, May 2021

  • Berger N, Cummins S, Smith RD, Cornelsen L. Have socio-economic inequalities in sugar purchasing widened? A longitudinal analysis of food and beverage consumer data from British households, 2014-2017. Public Health Nutr 2021 May;24(7):1583-1594.
  • Richards D, Sugg R, Cockroft E, Cooper J, Cruishank S, Faye D, Hulme C, et al. COVID-NURSE: evaluation of a fundamental nursing care protocol compared with care as usual on experience of care for noninvasively ventilated patients in hospital with the SARS-CoV-2 virus—protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial BMJ Open 2021 May 26;11(5):e046436
  • Bruce J, Hossain A, Lall R, Withers EJ, Finnegan S, Underwood M, Ji C, Bojke C, Longo R, Hulme C, Hennings S, Sheridan R, Westacott K, Ralhan S, Martin F, Davison J, Shaw F, Skelton DA, Treml J, Willett K, Lamb SE. Fall prevention interventions in primary care to reduce fractures and falls in people aged 70 years and over: the PreFIT three-arm cluster RCT. Health Technol Assess 2021 May;25(34):1-114.
  • Milsom P, Smith R, Baker P, Walls H. Corporate power and the international trade regime preventing progressive policy action on non-communicable diseases: a realist review. Health Policy Plan 2021 May 17;36(4):493-508.
  • Absolom K, Warrington L, Hudson E, Hewison J, Holch P, Dawkins B, Hulme C, Brown J, Velikova G. Reply to H. Shojima et al. J Clin Oncol 2021 May 12:JCO2100684. Online ahead of print.
  • Nikolova S, Hulme C, West R, Pendleton N, Heaven A, Bower P, Humphrey S, Farrin A, Cundill B, Lawton R, Clegg A. Social care costs for community-dwelling older people living with frailty. Health Soc Care Community 2021 May 26; Online ahead of print.
  • Craveiro D, Marques S, Zvěřinová I, Máca V, Ščasný M, Chiabai A, Suarez C, Martinez-Juarez P, García de Jalón S, Quiroga S, Taylor T. Explaining inequalities in fruit and vegetable intake in Europe: the role of capabilities, opportunities and motivations Appetite 2021 May 12:105283. Online ahead of print.

Date: 31 May 2021