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Publications, Oct 2014

  • Hawton A, Green C. Generic preference-based measures for use with people with multiple sclerosis: are they appropriate? Qual Life Res 2014 Oct; 23, p92.
  • Hawton A, Goodwin E. Patients and health economists: working together to build a better research base for making decisions about the funding of treatments for MS. Qual Life Res 2014 Oct; 23, 15-15
  • Goodwin E, Green C. Improving the measurement of QALYs in multiple sclerosis: Estimating a preference-based index for use in deriving quality-adjusted life-years (QALYs) for multiple sclerosis Qual Life Res 2014 Oct; 23, 15-15
  • Torbica A, De Allegri M, Belemsaga D, Medina-Lara A, Ridde V. What criteria guide national entrepreneurs' policy decisions on user fee removal for maternal health care services? Use of a best-worst scaling choice experiment in West Africa. J Health Serv Res Policy 2014 Oct;19(4):208-15.
  • Robinson A, Spencer A, Moffatt P. A Framework for Estimating Health State Utility Values within a Discrete Choice Experiment: Modeling Risky Choices. Med Decision Making Epub 2014 Oct 27.

Date: 31 October 2014