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Publications, Oct 2016

  • Erye V, Lang C, Smith S, Jolly C, Davis R, Hayward C, Wingham J, Abraham C, Green C, Warren F, Britten N, Greaves C, Doherty P, Austin J, Vanlingen R, Singh S, Buckingham S, Paul K, Taylor R, Dalal H. Rehabilitation Enablement in Chronic Heart Failure-a facilitated self-care rehabilitation intervention in patients with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (REACH-HFpEF) and their caregivers: Rationale and protocol for a single centre pilot randomised controlled trial (Protocol). BMJ Open 2016 Oct 25;6(10):e012853
  • Dean SG, Poltawski L, Forster A, Taylor R, Spencer A, James M, Allison R, Stevens S, Norris M, Shepherd A. Community-based Rehabilitation Training after stroke: protocol of a pilot randomised controlled trial (ReTrain). BMJ Open 2016 Oct;6(10):e012375
  • White MP, Elliott LR, Taylor T, Wheeler BW, Spencer A, Bone A; Depledge MH, Fleming LE. Recreational physical activity in natural environments and implications for health: A population based cross-sectional study in England Preventive Medicine 2016 Oct;91:383-388
  • Bond M, Crathorne L, Peters J, Haasova M, Coelho H, Cooper C, Milner Q, Shawyer V, Hyde C, Powell R. First do no harm: pain relief for the peripheral venous cannulation of adults, a systematic review and network meta-analysis. BMC Anaesthesiology 2016 Oct 1;16(1):81.

Date: 31 October 2016