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Publications, Oct 2017

  • Sadler S, Holmes M, Ren S, Holden S, Jha S, Thokala P. Cost-effectiveness of antibiotic treatment of uncomplicated urinary tract infection in women: a comparison of four antibiotics. BJGP Open 2017 Oct; 1 (3): BJGP-2017-0143.
  • Sadler S, Watson L, Crathorne L, Green C. Approaches To Modelling The Cost-Effectiveness Of Interventions For Heart Failure: A Systematic Review Value Health 2017 Oct-Nov, 20: A746.
  • Goodwin E, Boddy K, Tatnell L, Hawton A. Involving Members of the Public in Health Economics Research: Insights from Selecting Health States for Valuation to Estimate Quality-Adjusted Life-Year (QALY) Weights. Appl Health Econ Health Policy Epub 2017 Oct 19
Mujica-Mota R, Watson LK, Tarricone R, Jäger M. Cost-effectiveness of timely versus delayed primary total hip replacement in Germany: A social health insurance perspective Orthopedic Reviews 2017 Oct 2;9(3):7161. 

Date: 1 October 2017