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Publications, Oct 2019

  • Robinson P, Douglas G, Gibson B, Godson J, Vinall-Collier K, Pavitt S, Hulme C. Remuneration of primary dental care in England: perspectives of a new service delivery model incorporating incentives for improved access, quality and health outcomes. BMJ Open 2019 Oct 3;9(10):e031886.
  • Green C, Handels R, Gustavsson A, Wimo A, Skoldunger A, Winblad B, Skoldunger A, Jonsson L. Assessing Cost Effectiveness of Early Intervention in Alzheimer’s Disease: An Open-Source Modeling Framework. Alzheimer's Dementia 2019 Oct;15(10):1309-1321
  • Davey A, Porter I, Coombes J, Green C, Valderas J Time-dependent variation of patient reported outcome (PRO) measurement in patients with chronic conditions: a scoping review Qual Life Res 2019 Oct, 28:S89
  • Davey A, Mewse A, Green C, Valderas J Time dependent variation of patient reported outcomes: a conceptual model Qual Life Res 2019 Oct, 28:S20
  • Calitri R, Mounce L, Abel G, Campbell J, Spencer A, Medina-Lara A, Pitt M, Shepard E, Warren F, Dean S, Hamilton W. Protocol for a pragmatic cluster randomised controlled trial assessing the clinical effectiveness and cost effectiveness of electronic risk-assessment tools for cancer for patients in general practice (ERICA) Trials 2019 Oct, 20(Supp 1):P-12
  • Crosbie EJ, Ryan NAJ, Arends MJ, Bosse T, Burn J, Cornes JM, Crawford R, Eccles D, Frayling IM, Ghaem-Maghami S, Hampel H, Kauff ND, Kitchener HC, Kitson SJ, Manchanda R, McMahon RFT, Monahan KJ, Menon U, Møller P, Möslein G, Rosenthal A, Sasieni P, Seif MW, Singh N, Skarrott P, Snowsill TM, Steele R, Tischkowitz M; Manchester International Consensus Group, Evans DG. The Manchester International Consensus Group Recommendations for the Management of Gynecological Cancers in Lynch Syndrome. Genet Med 2019 Oct, 21:2390-2400
  • Drayson MT, Bowcock S, Planche T, Iqbal G, Pratt G, Yong K, Wood J, Raynes K, Higgins H, Dawkins B, Meads D, Hulme CT, Monahan I, Karunanithi K, Dignum H, Belsham E, Neilson J, Harrison B, Lokare A, Campbell G, Hamblin M, Hawkey P, Low E, Dunn JA, TEAMM Steering Committee and Trial Investigators. Levofloxacin prophylaxis in patients with newly diagnosed myeloma (TEAMM): a multicentre, double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomised, phase 3 trial Lancet Oncol Epub 2019 Oct 23.
  • Wang J, Marsiliani L, Renström T. Optimal sin taxes in the presence of income taxes and health care. Economics Letters Epub 2019 Oct 23.
  • Goodwin E, Green C, Hawton A. What difference does it make? A comparison of health state preferences elicited from the general population and from people with multiple sclerosis Value Health Epub 2019 Oct 7.
  • Moreau L, Holloway I, Ozer S, Forster A, Hulme C, Hartley S, Brindle R, Farrin A. Maximising follow up rates of patient reported outcome measures: a study within a trial (SWAT) - results from the LoTS2Care Feasibility Trial Trials 2019 Oct:20(S1)S1,P-188

Date: 31 October 2019