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Publications, Sep 2013

  • Green C, Goodwin E. Improving the measurement of quality of life adjusted years (QALYs) in multiple sclerosis: developing a patient-reported health descriptive system for use in deriving values fo multiple sclerosis-specific QALYs. Multiple sclerosis J 2013 Sep;19(11):531-2.
  • Green C, Hawton A, Zajicek J. Health state (QALY) values for multiple sclerosis: A report using data from the UK South West Impact of Multiple Sclerosis (SWIMS) Study. Multiple sclerosis J 2013 Sep;19(11):532-.
  • Green C, Shearer J, Zajicek J. Costs associated with the impact of progressive multiple sclerosis: insights from a three year clinical trial (the CUPID trial). Multiple sclerosis J 2013 Sep;19(11):161-2.
  • Devine AM, Taylor S, Spencer A, Diaz-Ordaz K, Eldridge S, Underwood M. Proxy Reporting of Health-Related Quality of Life using the Euroqol-5D in Care Home Residents; how Good is it and how should we Deal with Clustering Effects. J Epidemiol Community Health 2013 Sep;67:A36-A37.
  • Griffiths MJ, Lemon JV, Rayamajhi A, Poudel P, Shrestha P, Srivastav V, Kneen R, Medina-Lara A, Singh RR, Solomon T. The functional, social and economic impact of acute encephalitis syndrome in Nepal--a longitudinal follow-up study. PLoS Neglected Tropical Dis 2013 Sep;7(9):e2383.

Date: 30 September 2013