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Professor Steve Eichhorn

Exeter scientist wins Rosenhain Medal

University of Exeter physicist Professor Steve Eichhorn has won the Rosenhain Medal in recognition of his distinguished achievement in materials science.

This prestigious prize is awarded by the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining.

Professor Eichhorn will be given his medal at the Institute’s Special Awards and Publications Dinner later in the year. Only one Rosenhain medal has been awarded each year since the prize was established in 1951.

Professor Steve Eichhorn joined the University of Exeter in 2011. Previously at the University of Manchester, his research focuses on the mechanical properties and interfaces in natural and sustainable materials. He applies principles from biological structures in engineering applications - or biomimetics - for a variety of applications including composites, smart packaging, energy harvesting and biofunctional materials. His particular focus is on cellulosics, the structural component of the primary cell wall of green plants, but has worked on a range of other natural materials such as seashells and fingernails.

Professor Steve Eichhorn said: “I was especially pleased to receive this prize from the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining in recognition of about 15 years of work on cellulose and natural materials, but I would like to thank all the students, researchers and collaborators who have assisted me over the years. I’m very much looking forward to continuing this work at Exeter. ”

Dean of the EMPS OLD Feb24 Professor Ken Evans said: “Congratulations to Steve on this fantastic achievement. The Rosenhain Medal is a very prestigious award so this illustrates the very high calibre of his research.”

The University of Exeter is investing £230 million in science, engineering, mathematics and medicine through its science strategy. The strategy focuses on five themes, one of which includes Smart Materials.

The Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining, is the global network for professionals in the materials cycle. Read about all of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining’s awards.

Date: 28 April 2012

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