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Degree programmes within Natural Sciences at the University of Exeter are specially designed to allow students to work across all the sciences without pathways or constraints.

Exeter’s Natural Sciences programme receives respected accreditation

The University of Exeter’s Natural Sciences programme has received official accreditation from a prestigious national body. 

Exeter is amongst a select group to receive accreditation for its degree programmes from The Society for Natural Sciences. 

The successful applicants received accreditation for achieving the standards set out in the Society’s accreditation framework.  

They are also recognised as offering outstanding quality interdisciplinary science education, providing students with excellent learning opportunities and skills development to prepare them for future careers in research, education, business or industry.  

Degree programmes within Natural Sciences at the University of Exeter are specially designed to allow students to work across all the sciences without pathways or constraints.

They combine academic excellence in Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Computer Science to deliver a learning experience that draws directly upon our research, exploring exciting topics including mathematical and computational biology; materials science and materials chemistry; the science of oceans, atmospheres and climate; astrophysics; and energy research.

Professor Geoff Nash, Director of Natural Sciences, said “The accreditation of our innovative degree programmes reflect the growing reputation of Natural Sciences as a leading centre for interdisciplinary science education, and is testament to the fantastic way in which Natural Sciences staff and students have worked together to create a unique identity and ethos.  

“Our ambition is now to build on our success, for example by applying the same approach to postgraduate science education”. 

Tom Boxer, who is a second year Natural Sciences student, and Chair of the Natural Sciences Staff Student Liaison Committee added: “The accreditation recognises the fantastic opportunities that studying Natural Sciences gives students, both in terms of what we study, but also our future careers.  

“All of us, current students and alumni, are incredibly proud to be part of Natural Sciences at Exeter, not only to be working in genuine partnership with staff to build something with an ever-growing reputation, but also to be involved in programmes with such a strong sense of community.  

“This is a great step in our continual growth and I am excited to see the heights to which Natural Sciences at Exeter will further reach, under the vision and ambition of such incredible staff.” 

For more information about Natural Sciences at the University of Exeter, please visit their dedicated webpages

Date: 4 February 2022

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