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Rebecca Beasley and Joe Wahab at the Posters in Parliament event.

Student scientists present research to Parliament

Budding scientists from the University of Exeter have showcased their innovative research at the Houses of Parliament, as part of a prestigious national event.

Representatives from the College of Engineering, Mathematics and Physical Sciences presented their work at the third annual Posters in Parliament event, organised by the British Council of Undergraduate Research (BCUR).

The event is designed to bring together some of the very best undergraduate research from across the country, and illustrate how their work is already shaping some of the biggest challenges being faced today.

Two students from Exeter – Joe Wahab from the Physics and Astronomy department and Rebecca Beasley from Engineering – were among more than 40 exhibitors at the celebrated event.

Exeter MP, Ben Bradshaw, took time to visit the event and offer his support for the students.

Joe’s research project, entitled “Excitation of Surface Plasmons on ZigZag Gratings”, could be used to develop more efficient solar panels, increase computing power, and enhance biological sensors to detect diseases.

Speaking after the event, Jo said: “The event showed a great selection of undergraduate research from across the country and across a range of disciplines. It was great to see Ben Bradshaw MP there lending his support for both undergraduate research and the research at Exeter as a whole. 

“This event, my summer studentship and the JUST conference all attest to the University's phenomenal attitude to conducting world-class research, and to involve its students in that research.”

Rebecca, meanwhile, showcased her project, called “A design for a steel and glass shell roof”, which highlighted here research into a waved structure designed to be built over a courtyard, with an emphasis on both sustainability and research into alternative materials.”

Professor Ken Evans, Dean of the College of Engineering, Mathematics and Physical Sciences said: “This event showcases some of the very best research being undertaken by students from across the country, so it is fantastic achievement for both Rebecca and Joe to be involved. To be producing world-class research as undergraduates is testament not only to their own tenacity, determination and drive, but to the encouragement and hard-work displayed by both staff and students alike within the College.”


Date: 16 February 2015

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