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News archive 2017

Exeter to award and host prestigious MRC Skills Development Fellowships

The Centres for Predictive Modelling in Healthcare and Biomedical Modelling and Analysis will partner with the MRC to award and host Skills Development Fellowships.

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Nerve cell findings may aid understanding of movement disorders

A pioneering study of the human nervous system could provide a breakthrough in our understanding of the causes of movement disorders, such as motor neurone disease.

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Exeter in world's top 125 for Physical Sciences

Exeter has been ranked in the top 125 in the world for Physical Sciences in the Times Higher Education (THE) World University Subject Rankings 2017-18.

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Astronomers uncover puzzling early stages of planet formation

The quest to discover how planets found in the far reaches of the universe are born has taken a new, crucial twist.

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University of Exeter astronomy experts help create 360° VR exoplanet documentary

Budding astronomers and space enthusiasts can explore exotic worlds orbiting distant stars, thanks to a pioneering new VR documentary.

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Scientists take first snapshots of molecular propeller that runs at 100 degrees Celsius

Scientists have made a new discovery into how ancient microbes that survive in some of the harshest environments propel themselves forward.

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Hubble Detects Exoplanet with Glowing Water Atmosphere

Scientists have found the strongest evidence to date for a stratosphere on an enormous planet outside our solar system, with an atmosphere hot enough to boil iron.

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Physicists read Maxwell’s Demon’s mind

Pioneering research offers a fascinating view into the inner workings of the mind of ‘Maxwell’s Demon’, a famous thought experiment in physics.

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Rising stars of research at Exeter receive MRC fellowships

Prestigious fellowships from the Medical Research Council (MRC) will help nurture the next generation of research excellence at the University of Exeter.

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New technique could revolutionise manufacturing of vital safety equipment

An innovative new technique to use graphene to produce the ultimate photodetectors could revolutionise the manufacturing of vital safety equipment, such as radiation and smoke detection units.

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Secret of why jewel scarab beetles look like pure gold, explained by physicists

‘All that glitters is not gold’, finds research programme into way jewel beetles reflect light.

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Scientists take first tentative steps to explore potential climate of Proxima B

The quest to discover whether a planet orbiting our closest neighbouring star, Proxima Centauri, has the potential to support life has taken a new, exhilarating twist.

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Primitive atmosphere discovered around ‘Warm Neptune’

A pioneering new study uncovering the ‘primitive atmosphere’ surrounding a distant world could provide a pivotal breakthrough in the search to how planets form and develop in far-flung galaxies.

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‘Good vibrations’ no longer needed for speakers as new research encourages graphene to talk

A pioneering new technique that encourages the wonder material graphene to “talk” could revolutionise the global audio and telecommunications industries.

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New research could trigger revolution in computer electronics manufacturing

A pioneering new technique to produce cutting-edge, versatile microchips could revolutionize the speed, efficiency and capability of the next generation of computers.

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