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Postgraduate seminar series receives funding from ESRC and SWDTC

New funding from the ESRC and the SWDTC (South West Doctoral Training Centre) will allow collaboration with both the University of Bath and University of Bristol over the academic year 2015/16. Building on the success of the postgraduate seminar series run by and for Exeter Postgraduates in 2014, this series will hold joint events at both Bath and Bristol for external guest speakers of interest and relevance for a large student population.

The weekly seminar during term time is designed to facilitate informal discussion in a supportive and friendly environment. Student presentations comprise of presentations of work-in-progress, practice conference papers, skills training, panels and roundtable discussions. It will bring together PGR students from across all three SWDTC institutions and a variety of subjects (mainly politics and international relations but also history, economics, area studies, etc.) The seminar will be followed by a social event for PGR students to develop and strengthen the research culture and community within and across all three SWDTC institutions.

More information about the forthcoming series will be available soon.


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