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Alison Harcourt specialises in regulatory change in communications markets.

New ESRC Research Fellowship to explore the impact of a proposed UK Brexit from the EU on the UK Communications Industry

Alison Harcourt is a ESRC Senior Fellow on the UK in a Changing Europe programme with the project "The impact of a proposed UK Brexit from the EU: the UK communications industries".  

The project research is interested in whether changes to communications policy at the European level which might affect UK interests and how UK-based stakeholders might change their preferences accordingly.

The key question of the project is: What effect could withdrawal of the UK from the European Union (EU) have on the UK's communications sector? Over a period of one year, the PI will consult stakeholders and provide forums for scenarios building exercises on the effect of a UK exit on the communications sector. This will be done through an online questionnaire of key stakeholders, 2 symposiums, and 10 policy briefing papers as well as communication with the media and other public platforms.

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