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alumni and students

Left to right back row: current students, Azhar-Jamal Chaudhry and Vitaliy Ravicher

Left to right front row: alumni, Ben Fowler, Liberty Pegg and Nicola Benton

In focus: Careers with a Politics degree

Three alumni from the Politics Department were welcomed back to Exeter to talk about how their careers developed in the first few years after graduating. The panel covered all aspects of career planning and reflected on how important it was that they found out about what they didn’t want to do, as well as discovering areas of interest during their studies.

As Ben Fowler (Philosophy and Politics, 2009) explained, many graduates from Politics and Philosophy wish to pursue a career in an academic environment and work with specialist knowledge.

“Pursuing a career in social research can be a very rewarding path for those who want to continue with their research interests but do not want to undertake a masters or PhD.”

Our panellists have followed very different career paths: social research, public affairs, political campaigning and working in Westminster. There was an in-depth discussion of their roles and day-to-day work with students both at the Streatham campus and by video link to the Penryn campus.

The session concluded with a broad discussion on tips for CVs, searching for internships and strategies for applying. As Nicola Benton (History and Politics, 2012) explained, it was only after undertaking a number of internships with charities such as Amnesty International and Turning Point, she secured her positon as Public Affairs and Media Officer at the Shaw Trust. She commented; “There are lots of opportunities for Exeter politics graduates – it’s just about knowing where to look.”

Events such as this one, which bring together recent alumni and current students, are the perfect opportunity for alumni to pass on advice and lessons learnt from personal experiences, often with great humour and lots of positive encouragement.

“When they leave University, Exeter graduates go into the workplace as sociable, confident, intelligent team-players with tonnes to offer any organisation!”
Liberty Pegg, (Philosophy and Politics, 2011) Campaigns Manager, Conservative Party.

If you are a graduate who would like to get involved in supporting careers work, please get in touch.

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