Leading experts will be able to help people make an informed decision in regards to the UK's Referendum. Image courtesy of Shutterstock
‘Ask the Experts’ about the EU referendum at the University of Exeter
Leading experts will be able to help people make an informed decision as they decide how to cast their vote in the UK’s referendum at an event in Exeter.
To remain or leave the EU is the most important political choice facing the UK for a generation.
A panel of specialists will answer questions from the public about Brexit and the UK remaining in the EU, at the “UK and EU: Ask the Expert” event, at the Alumni Auditorium on the Streatham Campus on 25 April. The event is also shown via a video link to Lecture Theatre A at the Du Maurier Building on the Penryn Campus in Cornwall.
The session, which starts at 7pm, is funded and organised by The UK in a Changing Europe, which has been holding events throughout the country. It is an opportunity for the public to ask all those things they want to know about Britain’s membership of the European Union and get independent, impartial and authoritative information.
The free events are open to everyone and people are invited to send questions for the panel before, and during, the event via Twitter using the hashtag #EUAsk. The event will also be live streamed via Periscope.
In Exeter panellists include Alison Harcourt, Professor of Public Policy, University of Exeter, Catherine Barnard, Professor of European Union Law, Cambridge University and Iain Begg, Professorial Research Fellow at the European Institute, LSE, who are all UK in a Changing Europe Senior Fellows.
The other panellists, who are academics at the University of Exeter, are Claudio Radaelli, Professor of Political Science and Director of the Centre for European Governance, Susan Banducci, Professor and Director of the Exeter Q-Step Centre; and James Devenney, Professor of Commercial Law and Head of the Law School.
Professor Harcourt, who has organised the event, said: “The public have to make a very important choice in the EU referendum on the 23 June and we hope this event will help them as they consider how to vote.
“The way the EU operates can be complex, and can seem even more so now competing sides in the referendum have started their campaigns. At this event the public can get expert, unbiased information about the impact of both a yes and no vote.”
The UK in a Changing Europe is an independent, non-partisan organisation set up to provide the public with authoritative academic research on UK-EU relations. It is not campaigning for either side but to inform people so they can make up their own minds when the referendum takes place.
Please note: this event is fully booked in Streatham Campus, however places are still available in Penryn. We intend to make a recording of the event available afterwards. For more information please visit the event web page.
Date: 24 March 2016