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Exeter Public Policy and Administration academics present at a House of Lords Workshop

On 7 November Dr Sarah Cooper of the Department of Politics at Exeter, presented a paper at a House of Lords Workshop.

The journal, Public Money and Management, owned by the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA), hosted a workshop in partnership with the journal publisher, Taylor and Francis. The event, part of the PMM Live! Series, brings together academics across a range of public policy interests to discuss topical real-world issues with practitioners. It shows the impact of research to tackle ‘wicked’ social problems.

Chaired by Lord Bichard, Chair of the journal’s Editorial Board and former Permanent Secretary in the Departments for Education, Employment and then the merged Education and Employment, the evening was Introduced by Professor Andrew Massey, Editor of PMM and Associate Dean for CSSIS at Exeter.

This latest workshop in the series was titled, Sex, Policy and Politics. A group of speakers tackled the issues around women’s’ under-representation in policy making institutions and their lack of sustained presence in public and private senior executive decision making roles. Dr Cooper’s paper used her research to explore the implications of professions and gender in health care. She specifically explored the regulation surrounding access to, and delivery of, reproductive technologies for women.

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