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Lamprini Rori to lead research into Political Violence in Greece

Dr Lamprini Rori has been awarded funding from the LSE Hellenic Observatory to lead a research project  "Low-intensity violence in crisis-ridden Greece: evidence from the radical right and the radical left".

Overview of the project: Political extremism has constantly been present in Greece since 1974. Despite the adoption of a counter-terrorist governmental strategy around the turn of the millennium which temporarily limited domestic terrorism, high and low-intensity violence remain a serious problem. By its unprecedented magnitude and durée, the ongoing financial crisis has triggered the emergence of circumstances that promote the toleration, acceptance and use of violence. The project focuses on different expressions of political violence in Greece from 2008 onwards, aiming to identify its repertoire and causes, the actors involved, their targets, aims and consequences. Among different dimensions and levels of intensity, we will concentrate on violent episodes of low intensity. 

Dr Rori has also been awarded the 2018-2019 Early Career Fellowship of the British School at Athens for a three-month research project in Athens focusing on stances and perceptions of political elites towards European identity and integration. 



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