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Activating Party Membership – new report by Sam Power

Dr Sam Power, Lecturer in Politics at Exeter University, along with Dr Katharine Dommett, Sheffield University, have, over the past year, been conducting research into membership of organisations such as political parties, campaigning and professional bodies. The work examines the motivations, processes and triggers for membership as well as key points on the membership journey. 

Based on evidence from workshops, focus groups and interviews with members of political parties and campaign organisations, they discuss important challenges including recruitment, activation and retaining involvement.   

In an era of comparatively low levels of political party membership, this report is timely and relevant, providing practical solutions rooted in research literature and the membership stories of people engaged as members of political organisations. 

The work was discussed with Adrian Chiles on Question Time Extra Time and the podcast can be found here:

A blog about the project can be accessed.

And the full report can be downloaded.


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