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Sustainable fashion report published.

Penryn academics contribute to Environmental Audit Committee Report ‘Fixing Fashion: Clothing Consumption & Sustainability’

Fast fashion and sustainable clothing are one of the big environmental challenges that we currently face.

The UK Parliaments’ Environmental Audit Committee has recently undertaken an inquiry into the sustainability of the fashion industry, entitled ‘Fixing Fashion: Clothing, Consumption, and Sustainability’. 

University of Exeter Politics researchers from our Penryn campus contributed to the report, using findings from their AHRC Designing a Sensibility for Sustainability  project.

Led by Professor Clare Saunders (with Dr Joanie Willett) the research considers what is needed to facilitate behavioural change.  Professor Saunders told the Inquiry that their study shows that there needs to be more community spaces where people can share knowledge and skills about making and modifying clothing.  There are marketable opportunities for high street retailers to help to create this.

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