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Politics academics participating in an EXPONet event at the Turing Institute in London

Dr Travis Coan, Dr Lorien Jasny and Professor Susan Banducci of the University of Exeter's Politics Department, along with Dr Hywell Williams (Computer Science) will be participating in an EXPONet event at the Turing Institute in London on July 22nd, entitled 'Measuring information exposure in dynamic and dependent networks'. 

About the project:

Measuring Information Exposure in Dynamic and Dependent Networks (EXPONet) is an ESRC/NCRM funded project on the measurement of media exposure in the digital age. As part of this project we have developed a set of tools that allow researchers to trace news exposure using digital trace data, extract and analyse text and detect online communities of news audiences, and model how these exposure networks change over time. These tools are built on computational data science methods including dynamic network analysis, natural language processing and machine learning.

Morning session (10am-12:45pm)

The speakers will present key research findings from EXPONet that have arisen from the implementation of the tools they have developed. Speakers will include Prof. Susan Banducci (Exeter), Dr. Travis Coan (Exeter), Dr. Iulia Cioroianu (Bath), Dr Hywel Williams (Exeter) and Dr Lorien Jasny (Exeter).

Afternoon session (1:30pm - 4pm)

Prof. David Lazer (Northeastern) will deliver a key-note talk on the spread of fake news during the 2016 Presidential Election. The day will culminate with a panel discussion on the topic "Improving exposure to quality information through Digital Engagement & Civic Technology" with panellists including Dr Rebecca Rumbul (Research Director at mySociety) and Polly Curtis (Journalist and Visiting fellow, Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, Oxford). 

Further details of the event including how to register can be found here.

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