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The EASP summer school 2016 delegates.

EASP summer school 2016

The University of Exeter is honoured to host the European Association of Social Psychology (EASP) summer school 2016.

The EASP Summer School is currently organised every two years and is a central activity of the European Association, and one that has a long and illustrious history - many members have benefited over the years from this unique chance to work with up-and-coming and established scholars from around Europe and the rest of the world.

It provides an ideal educational opportunity where much can be learnt about theory, methodology, and research design in social psychology, whilst also honing communication and presentational skills. It stimulates the cross fertilisation of ideas and approaches between countries, continents and cultures as well as individuals. The close working in small groups provides a uniquely intense "hothouse" environment with the teaching more interactive than didactic. It is also "fun". The social networks that emerge often lead to lifelong collaborations and friendships and those attending will be encouraged to design and develop collaborative research projects that continue afterwards.

Dr Andrew Livingstone who is part of the organising committee said "it’s a real honour to host the EASP Summer School at Exeter, and especially to welcome so many world-leading Social Psychologists of the present and the future. It is one of the flagship events in Social Psychology globally, and hosting it at Exeter highlights the great strength and depth that we have in this area. For attendees, it can often be one of the most important two-week periods in their careers, providing an opportunity to develop collaborations, contacts, and friendships that last for many years, and which feed into world-leading research."

The summer school will run from 1st - 13th August and you can find out more on the EASP website.

Date: 8 August 2016

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