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Participants of the study have contributed materials to the website, such as this photograph. 

New website helps people consider ‘‘what can blue do for you?’’

A new website has been launched to help connect people with blue spaces at home, especially those with experience of mental health conditions.

Led by researchers at the University of Exeter, the ‘What can blue do for you?’ site has been launched to help people explore blue spaces and their mental health, and includes contributions from people who experience bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and psychosis.

‘Blue spaces’ are usually defined as areas with visible bodies of water, for example rivers, lakes, and seas, but has been interpreted in several different ways by participants.

Project lead and Associate Professor in Clinical Psychology at the University of Exeter, Dr Kim Wright said: “There have been a number of studies across the country that show the positive effects of blue spaces on mental wellbeing in the general public.

“Our new site was showcases images, poems and videos donated by people with experience of bipolar disorder, psychosis or schizophrenia, who also helped us to design the site. These communicate aspects of their personal relationships with blue spaces.

“It’s been designed to help people reflect on how blue spaces do, or can, support their wellbeing, and includes information about organisations that can help with this.

“Whist access to these spaces wasn’t always easy, our contributors found different ways to connect with them, for example visiting streams or ponds near home, watching TV programmes about the ocean, or listening to wave sounds using an app.”

The team is led by the University of Exeter and includes researchers from the, University of York and Lancaster University.

To find out more about what blue can do for you, visit the new website:

Date: 9 August 2022

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