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Isobel Moore with her award.

Research student wins Nike Award for Athletic Footwear Research

Sport and Health Sciences PhD student Izzy Moore has been awarded the Nike Award for Footwear Research.

The paper “The pursuit of improved running performance: can changes in cushioning and proprioception influence running economy and injury risk?' by Isabel Moore, Andy Jones and Sharon Dixon, won the award following a short-listing process requiring submission of a full research paper to the journal Footwear Science and the delivery of a presentation at the Footwear Biomechanics Symposium, International Society of Biomechanics, in Brazil.

This prize is awarded every two years to a paper considered to make the strongest contribution to a specific field of athletic footwear research and is awarded based on the scientific merit of the work, with a panel of experts assembled to assess the paper, presentation and handling of questions.

Congratulations to Izzy on this tremendous award.

Date: 8 August 2013

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