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Readmission to hospitals due to obesity, poor nutrition, recovery and rehabilitation is a global problem.

DHGE and University of Exeter to deliver online programmes in nutrition, recovery and rehabilitation

Dignity Health Global Education (DHGE) has joined forces with the University of Exeter to transform workforce development and empower staff to educate patients on nutrition, rehabilitation and recovery.

Readmission to hospitals due to obesity, poor nutrition, recovery and rehabilitation is a global problem.

Improve prevention through education and empowerment is the driving goal behind the new partnership. 

recent study saw four Chicago-based hospitals accrue more than $4.8 million in savings by reducing hospital readmissions and shortening inpatient stays.

“DHGE is proud to work with the University of Exeter,” said Andrew Malley, CEO of DHGE.

“They are our first international partner and their expertise in sport and health sciences is unparalleled.

“Our work and programme development will have a hugely positive impact on healthcare workers and patients alike as they are up-skilled and educated as to how nutrition, recovery and rehabilitation are interlinked.

“Given the huge challenges around obesity and diabetes as well as recovery from chronic and life-threatening conditions, education in this field is a vital component both for generalists and specialists and a must for providers to invest in.”

Professor Jo Bowtell, head of Sport and Health Sciences at the University of Exeter, said: “Our partnership with DHGE provides us with an exciting opportunity to deliver its first online programme.

“We will develop online nutrition programmes that provide visually engaging content, excellent e-resources and interactive apps to assist learning.

“These online programmes will complement the launch of our BSc Nutrition degree programme in the UK in September 2020.”

The University of Exeter is DHGE’s fifth academic partner to be announced since its launch earlier this year.

Find out more about this partnership here.

Date: 21 August 2019

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