
Autumn telethon success
Autumn telethon success
The University of Exeter’s autumn telethon has raised more than £112,000 to support students and research.
Over the course of five weeks during October and November students spoke to 1,776 alumni, 475 of whom pledged a gift to the Making the Exceptional Happen Campaign.
Rose Cohen, Regular Giving Manager at the University of Exeter said: “We’ve had a wonderful response to the telethon this year, with the largest number of donations ever. All gifts, however small, combine to have a significant impact on the student experience here at Exeter and we are incredibly grateful to our alumni for their support.”
The telethon began in October 2002 and since then alumni and friends have donated more than £2 million. The telethon team call alumni all over the world to keep in touch, share experiences of Exeter and seek philanthropic support for the University.
Exeter is developing rapidly and the telethon hopes to keep alumni up-to-date about how the University is growing, whilst ensuring current students understand the history of the University and how alumni contributions have made Exeter’s current success possible.
The University also runs thank you telethons for current regular donors to keep in touch and to tell them more about the direct impact their gifts are having and the projects that are made possible by their generosity.
Date: 23 November 2017