New book by Politics academic is published with Oxford University Press
A new volume edited by Klejda Mulaj, Senior Lecturer in International Relations, has been published by Oxford University Press. Postgenocide: Interdisciplinary Reflections on the Effects of Genocide (2021) deepens and broadens considerations of genocide’s aftermath. In scrutinising how genocide affect societies in the era following genocidal killing, it introduces postgenocide as an approach to study genocide effects after mass extermination has ended. Postgenocide suggests that the era following genocidal killing is shaped by genocide; hence the necessity of understanding and explaining effects of genocide in moulding realities of societies subjected to cruelty of this heinous crime.
Effects given attention in this volume vary from various permutations of genocide harms, and legal recourse, after the fact; to scrutiny of the efficacy of the genocide law and prospects of its enforcement; to socio-political responses to genocide—including efforts to recovery and reconciliation; to genocide’s impacts on the victims’ communities and their efforts for recognition and redress. Moreover, the contributing chapters pay attention to genocide’s effect on the communities of perpetrators and their attempts to denial and revisionism, as well as to the (re)construction of genocide narratives via the display of victims’ objects in museums, galleries, and archives.
Some formerly opaque and overlooked themes and cases are analysed from the standing of several disciplines—such as law, political science, sociology, and ethnography—in the process exploring what these disciplines bring to bear on genocide scholarship and the rethinking of the existing assumptions in the field.
Visit the publication page for further details.
Date: 8 April 2021