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New £700k grant for Professors Savic and Keedwell

Professors Savic and Keedwell are leading a new £700k EPSRC funded project called HOWS. 

It is widely acknowledged that the water and wastewater infrastructure assets, which communities rely upon for health, economy and environmental sustainability, are severely underfunded on a global scale. Combined with the drive to reduce customers' bills, there will be even more pressure on water companies to find ways to bridge the gap between the available and required finances. As a result of this it is not surprising that optimisation methods have been extensively researched and applied in this area.

The project will develop new understanding of how engineering design, planning and management of complex water systems can be improved by creating visual analytics that will integrate expertise (through 'human in the loop' interactive optimisation), IT infrastructure (cloud/parallel computing) and state-of-the-art optimisation techniques to develop highly optimal, engineering intuitive solutions for the water industry.

The new approach will be extensively tested on problems provided by the UK water industry and will involve practising experts in this important domain.

Please read more information here.

Date: 18 April 2017

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