
SIM4NEXUS Meeting Attendees
SIM4NEXUS Project Meeting and Workshop
The H2020 ongoing project SIM4NEXUS, with 25 partners from 16 countries and 12 Case Studies, held a successful project meeting in Exeter from the 14-16th November 2018.
The meeting was hosted by the Centre for Water Systems and South West Water, who are partners in this project. One of the project Case Studies is about the South West, UK. In addition to the project meeting, a workshop was held on the 16th November with over 75 people in attendance, including local stakeholders from Devon and Cornwall.
Prof. Dragan Savic, Dr Lydia Vamvakeridou-Lyroudia, Prof. Ed Keedwell, Dr Barry Evans, Dr Mehdi Khoury and Mr Matthew Griffey from the Centre for Water Systems attended the event.
Dr Mehdi Khoury was nominated as a “SIM4NEXUS hero”, an internal project award for outstanding performance. Mehdi was awarded the title for his pioneering work in the design of a Serious Game for the Water-Energy-Food-Land-Climate Nexus, alongside Eva Alexandri (Cambridge Econometrics) and Sara Masia (IHE-Delft).
Date: 29 January 2019