
Dr Mahdieh Dibaj, Postgraduate Research Student
Dr Mahdieh Dibaj - Water They Up To: CWS in the Spotlight
Next up in our 'Water They Up To: CWS in the Spotlight' series is Dr Mahdieh Dibaj, Postgraduate Research Student.
What is your research about?
I have recently defended my PhD in integrated management of surface water and groundwater under influence of climate change, seawater intrusion, over-pumping and flooding. A large amount of data was collected to develop a coupled model which emphasises the importance of freshwater resources and their protection. This in turn will help to develop sustainable freshwater resources for agriculture, aquaculture and drinking for the fast growing population of Taiwan.
What is the most exciting part about your research?
Groundwater as a vital freshwater resource represents about 98% of the world's freshwater. Although groundwater aquifers are significant sources of freshwater in coastal areas they are threatened by overexploitation to meet land use change, rising water demand, climate change and sea level rise. This study investigated the influence of the most important man-made and natural factors on groundwater resources, as well as evaluating different management scenarios.
When talking about water, what place comes to mind first and why?
Lake Urmia in Iran. The inhabitants of Lake Urmia have been forced to leave their homeland due its gradual depletion and the resulting climatic changes, including low precipitation rates, greater prevalence of continuous droughts, soil infertility and ultimately the loss of water quantity and quality.
To find out more, view Mahdieh's profile.
Date: 5 July 2021