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Dr Andrew Hayward

The 2023 Baroness Butler-Sloss and FRS Network Annual Family Law Lecture delivered online by Dr Andrew Hayward

Dr Andrew Hayward gave the 2023 GW4 Family Regulation and Society Network and Exeter Law School Baroness Butler-Sloss Annual Family Law Lecture on the important topic Unlocking Cohabitation Reform in England and Wales: New Dimensions and Directions.

The 2023 GW4 FRS Network and Exeter Law School Baroness Butler-Sloss Annual Family Law Lecture took place on the 6th March. It was delivered online by Dr Andrew Hayward, Associate Professor of Law at Durham Law School  on the topic Unlocking Cohabitation Reform in England and Wales: New Dimensions and Directions

Dr Hayward, who is also an Academic Fellow of the Honourable Society of the Inner Temple and In 2021, was appointed Specialist Adviser to the Women and Equalities Committee of the UK Parliament for their inquiry, The Rights of Cohabiting Partners was particularly well placed to discuss the findings of the inquiry and the prospects of family law reform in this area. He  posed the question of why cohabitation reform has stalled in England and Wales, despite the fact cohabitants are the fastest growing family form and often face relationship-generated disadvantage upon separation and death. His presentation explored the existing barriers to securing increased legal protections and reflected on whether recent developments in this field such as the Women and Equalities Committee’s Inquiry and strategic human rights litigation add new dimensions to this debate. He argued that perhaps by approaching the issue differently and making strategic alliances beyond academia, we may still ultimately able to unlock cohabitation reform, although it is unlikely to be an easy path. Dr Hayward also fielded many questions form the audience of students, academics and practitioners who attended the event and highlighted the keen interest there is this area.

A recording of the lecture can be viewed below.


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