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Elements of the course will reflect the current understanding of the strategies for genomic testing.

Free online course: how genomics are transforming diabetes care

A free online course led by world-renowned experts at the University of Exeter will offer participants the opportunity to explore how developments in the field of genomics are transforming knowledge and treatment of conditions such as diabetes.

Genomic Medicine: Transforming Patient Care in Diabetes is the latest in the University’s series of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). Registration is now open for the four week course, which introduces the topic of genomics using the University of Exeter Medical School research expertise into diabetes to illustrate the impact of current genomics knowledge and genomic testing.

The course uses the huge advances in the field of genetics that have been made in the last 10 years to illustrate how genomics can inform our understanding of disease risks for individuals, families and populations, looking at patterns of inheritance as well as genetic mutations, gene discovery and genomic sequencing.

Participants on the four week course are guided through their study by Professor Maggie Shepherd , and Dr Anna Murray and Professor Sian Ellard, lead educators and experts from the University’s genomics research group.

Lead educator on the course, Professor Sian Ellard, said: “The University of Exeter has recently celebrated 20 years of ground-breaking molecular genetics research and has been at the forefront of incredible advances in the genomics of diabetes. We are now able to use test DNA to pinpoint the precise mutation which has triggered the form of diabetes, meaning we can deliver more targeted and effective treatment. This is an incredibly fast growing area of research, as we strive to find ever more effective treatments and hopefully, a cure. The development of this course means we are able to open up the fascinating subject of genomic medicine for everyone, making the subject accessible for all.

“The course is open to anyone with an interest in how this genomic era is changing medical science, as well as individuals who just want to learn more about the future of genomic medicine. Throughout the course there will be lots of opportunity for people to debate the impact and value of genomic testing and how this can lead to improvements in clinical care”.

Elements of the course will reflect the current understanding of the strategies for genomic testing and will use patient experiences to explore the mechanisms of diabetes and the genetic diagnosis for the disease.

The online course will also introduce bioinformatics resources and techniques used to interpret the wealth of genomic data generated by the latest laboratory techniques.

The Genomic Medicine: Transforming Patient Care in Diabetes online course begins on 22 February 2016 and takes place over four weeks. Participants can register now via the Future Learn website.

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Date: 7 December 2015