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Human Rights Workshop with University of the Third Age

On 29 November the Human Rights and Democracy Forum ran a workshop for the Exeter branch of the University of the Third Age (U3A) on current research questions in the area of human rights law. Entitled ‘Human Rights: Priority or Compromise?’ the workshop involved three short presentations by Forum members on aspects of their current research, followed by a vigorous discussion.

The presentations were:

  • Stephen Skinner, ‘The Right to Life under Article 2 ECHR and the State’s Use of Lethal Force’
  • Christine Bicknell, ‘The Prohibition on Torture under Article 3 ECHR’
  • Jess Duggan-Larkin, ‘The Human Rights Act 1998.’

The workshop initiative sought to share some of the Forum members’ research with a wider audience, to explore different perspectives on the issues involved through engagement in public debate, and to foster the University of Exeter’s existing connections with U3A.