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Raphaël Girard presents paper at a EUI Conference

On October 7th, 2021, Raphaël Girard presented a paper entitled "Space, Time and 'Constitutional Impatience' in the 21st Century" at the "Dust of Time? Towards a 21st Century Constitutionalism" conference, organised by the Constitutionalism and Politics Working Group at the European University Institute. In this paper, Raphaël argued that contemporary populism puts forward an alternative conception of democratic representation in response to social acceleration and the spatiotemporal contours of liberal democracy. Other members of his panel on "Populist Constitutionalism and Constitutional Time" included Bojan Bugaric (Sheffield), Mark Tushnet (Harvard), Jirí Pribán (Cardiff) and Przemyslaw Tacik (Jaciellonian University).